Jenny Mac
Jenny Mac resides on The Central Coast of Australia with her Husband of 48 years, and two sons..
Her passion for writing has been long term however she took up writing Fiction Novels seriously two years ago when she birthed The Australian Outback Series to complete her first Fiction Novel titled ‘April Rain.’
The sequel to ‘April Rain’ of The Australian Outback Series is almost completed and in the final stages.
Jenny hopes to get a Publisher with an interest in her writing to take on her work but starting out as a new Author is difficult, and making a name in writing takes time.
Being acquainted with The Creatives Journal now Jenny enjoys writing and competing in the Monthly Mayhem’s of themed Short Stories of Fiction and is the current Winner this Month of August 2020 with ‘Blue.’
The Creatives Journal has been a breath of fresh air for Author Jenny Mac for giving her writing recognition.
Get your limited edition, handbound copy of Blue by Jenny Mac. Only 20 handbound books are available.